3rd Millenium Bloodstock

3rd Millennium Bloodstock embraces the published general philosophy of Vuillier and the Aga Khan, combined with the published knowledge of other noted Thoroughbred Breeding identities, culminating in our creation of a “Data Bank” of results of Grp 1 Races on Turf for Horses Three year old and upwards, at distances from 1600m and up,from around the World which conclusively supports our professed Philosophy, Methodology, etc.

We do NOT have any direct connection with Aga Khan Studs or any other entity, and our adoption of methodologies is merely our comprehension of such as published from time to time by various Authors.

Where and when we can , we will be publishing seasonal results of Group 1 races in Australia, and other racing jurisdictions.Geared to 3YO and up Group One Racing, at the classic distances 1600m upwards, and focusing on Turf Group One racing Australia New Zealand, and Europe, our methodology is extremely selective.At the recent Australian Yearling Sales series 2019/20 of 3243 Horses catalogued, our selections amounted to around 3% or 79 Horses.

We do recommend a visual appraisal of any Horse selected by our methods for Type and Conformation,as likely candidates selected by our Methodology alone, is NOT a Guarantee of any Horses ability, and is precisely what His Highness Aga Khan iii and Vuillier did, select the stock' PEDIGREE first then have a visual conformation check , this methodology and process has survived the test of time for 100 Years.

We are at Your disposal to assist in the selection of Thoroughbred Racing and Breeding stock, and planning of Mating's.